Monday, March 18, 2019

syllabus of Communication skills in English / semester one and two

Syllabus for F.Y.B.A

                                                  Program: B.A.

Course: Communication Skills of English (Core Paper)

(Choice Based Credit System with effect from the academic year 20162017)

Course: Communication Skills in English
(100 Marks Examination Pattern)

(Choice Based Credit System with effect from the academic year 2016-17)

1. Syllabus as per Credit Based Semester and Grading System:
i)          Name of the Programme                     : B.A.
ii)         Course Code                                       :UACS101 & UACS201
iii)        Course Title                                         : Communication Skills in English
iv)        Semester-wise Course Content           : Enclosed the copy of syllabus
v)         References and Additional References: Enclosed in the Syllabus
vi)        Credit Structure                                  : No. of Credits per Semester – 02
vii)       No. of lectures per Unit                      : 09
viii)      No. of lectures per week                     : 03 lectures + 01tutorial

2.         Scheme of Examination                      : 5 Questions of 20 marks each
3.         Special notes, if any                            : No
4.         Eligibility, if any                                 : No
5.         Fee Structure                                       : As per University Structure
6.         Special Ordinances / Resolutions if any: No

 Revised Syllabus for FYBA
Communication Skills in English Paper I and Paper II
To be implemented from June 2016 (100 Marks Examination Pattern)

Objectives of the Course
1)      To enhance language proficiency by providing adequate exposure to reading and writing skills
2)      To orient the learners towards the functional aspects of language
3)      To increase the range of lexical resource through a variety of exercises

Periods: 45 lectures + 15 Tutorials (3 lectures + 1 tutorial per week) per semester

Semester I
Communication Skills in English – Paper I                  (2 Credits)                45 lectures

Unit 1: Basic Language Skills: Grammar                                                                  09 lectures

a.       Articles, prepositions, conjunctions
b.      Transformation of Sentences (Simple, Compound, Complex)
c.       Tenses
d.      Subject-Verb agreement
e.       Question Tags
f.       Direct and Indirect Speech
g.       Voice

Unit 2: Reading Skills: Comprehension (unseen passage)                                         09 lectures
            The following skills to be acquired:
·         Reading with fluency and speed
·         Skimming and scanning
·         Identifying relevant information
·         Isolating fact from opinion
·         Understanding concepts and arguments
·         Identifying distinctive features of language
(Passage should be of 250-350 words of Level I. The passage may be taken from literary/scientific/technical writing as well as from the fields of journalism, management and commerce.)

 Unit 3: Writing Skills (Formal Correspondence): Letters                                       09 lectures

a.       Job Application Letter (without Resume)
b.      Statement of Purpose
c.       Request for Recommendation Letter
d.      Request for information under Right to Information Act (RTI)

Unit 4: Interpretation of Technical Data                                                                   09 lectures
Students should be taught to read and interpret maps, pie charts, tables, line and bar graphs and flow charts and express the same in paragraph format.
Unit 5: Writing Skills: Essay                                                                                      09 lectures

a.       Expository
b.      Persuasive
c.       Analytical
d.      Reflective/Descriptive

Semester II
Communication Skills in English – Paper II                (2 Credits)                45 lectures

Unit 1: Basic Language Skills:  Vocabulary building                                                09 lectures
·         Antonyms, Synonyms
·         Suffixes, Prefixes, Root words
·         Homophones, homonyms
·         Collocation
·         Changing the Class of Words

Unit 2: Editing and Summarization:                                                                          09 lectures

            a) Editing:
·         Heading/ Headlines/ Title/Use of Capital Letters
·         Punctuation: full stop, comma, colon, semi-colon, dash, ellipsis, exclamation and question marks
·         Spelling
·         Substitution of words
·         Use of link words and other cohesive devices
·         Removing repetitive or redundant elements

b) Summarization       
The following skills to be acquired:
·         Discern the main/central idea of the passage
·         Identify the supporting ideas
·         Eliminate irrelevant or extraneous information
·         Integrate the relevant ideas in a precise and coherent manner

Unit 3: Writing Skills: e mails                                                                                    09 lectures
·         Inquiry
·         Invitation
·         Thank you
·         Request for permission
·         Sponsorship

Unit 4: Report Writing                                                                                               09 lectures

·         Eye-witness Report
·         Activity Report
·         Newspaper Report
Unit 5: Creative Writing                                                                                                     09 lectures
            This unit attempts to cover those aspects of writing that go beyond the boundaries of technical or professional forms of writing and encourage the learner to explore the artistic and imaginative elements of writing.
·         Story writing
·         Dialogue writing
·         Blogging: fashion, travel, food, culture, personal blogs
Suggested Topics for Tutorials: (for both semesters)
1. Group Discussions
2. Mock Interviews
3. Fundamentals of Grammar
4. Debates / Speeches
5. Book / Film Reviews
6. Vocabulary and Language Games
7. Picture Composition
8. Tweets

Paper Pattern
Semester I: Communication Skills in English – Paper I
Duration: 3 hours Marks: 100

Q.1. Grammar:
a) Articles, prepositions, conjunctions (to be tested in the form of a paragraph, not individual sentences) (Unit 1: a)                                                                                                 10 marks
b) Do as Directed: (Unit 1: b-g)                                                                                   10 marks                                                         
Q.2 Comprehension of an unseen passage (Unit 2)                                                     20 marks
Q.3 Letters (2 out of 3)            (Unit 3)                                                                                    20 marks
Q.4. Interpretation of technical data based on the model given           (Unit 4)                       20 marks
Q.5. Essay (250-350 words) (1 out of 3) (Unit 5)                                                        20 marks

Semester II: Communication Skills in English – Paper II
Duration: 3 hours Marks: 100

Q.1 Vocabulary (Unit 1)                                                                                              20 marks

Q.2 a) Editing: one passage of 100-200 words to be given (Unit 2)                             10 marks
       b) Summary: one passage of 250-300 words to be given (Unit 2)                                    10 marks

Q.3. Emails (2 out of 3) (Unit 3)                                                                                  20 marks

Q. 4. Report writing (1 out of 2) (Unit 4)                                                                     20 marks

Q.5. Creative Writing: (1 out of 2) (200-250 words) (Unit 5)                                      20 marks

Recommended Resources:
  1. Bellare, Nirmala. Reading Strategies. Vols. 1 and 2. New Delhi. Oxford University Press,
  1. Bhasker, W. W. S & Prabhu, N. S.: English through Reading, Vols. 1 and 2. Macmillan,
  1. Blass, Laurie, Kathy Block and Hannah Friesan. Creating Meaning. Oxford:
OUP, 2007.
  1. Brown, Ralph: Making Business Writing Happen: A Simple and Effective Guide to Writing
Well. Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 2004.
  1. Buscemi, Santi and Charlotte Smith, 75 Readings Plus. Second Edition New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1994.
  1. Doff, Adrian and Christopher Jones .Language in Use (Intermediate and Upper
Intermediate). Cambridge: CUP, 2004.
  1. Doughty, P. P., Thornton, J. G, Language in Use. London: Edward Arrold, 1973.
  2. Freeman, Sarah: Written Communication. New Delhi: Orient Longman, 1977.
  3. Glendinning, Eric H. and Beverley Holmstrom. Second edition. Study Reading: A Course
in Reading Skills for Academic Purposes. Cambridge: CUP, 2004
  1.  Grellet, F. Developing Reading Skills, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
  2. Hamp-Lyons, Liz and Ben Heasiey. Second edition. Study Writing: A Course in Writing
Skills for Academic Purposes. Cambridge: CUP, 2006
  1. Jakeman, Vanessa and Clare McDowell. Cambridge Practice Test for IELTS 1. Cambridge:
CUP, 1996.
  1. Maley, Alan and Alan Duff. Second Edition. Drama Techniques in Language Learning.
Cambridge: CUP, 1983.
  1. Mohan Krishna & Banerji, Meera: Developing Communication Skills. New Delhi:
Macmillan India, 1990.
  1. Mohan Krishna & Singh, N. P. Speaking English Effectively.New Delhi: Macmillan India,
  1. Narayanaswami, V. R. Organised Writing, Book 2. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
  2. Reading & Thinking in English, Four volumes, (vol. 1 for the lowest level, vol. 4 for the
highest level). The British Council Oxford University Press, 1979-1981.
  1. Sasikumar, V., Kiranmai Dutt and Geetha Rajeevan. A Course in Listening and Speaking I
& II. New Delhi: Foundation Books, Cambridge House, 2006.
  1. Savage, Alice, et al. Effective Academic Writing. Oxford: OUP, 2005.
  2. Widdowson, H. G.: English in Focus. English for Social Sciences. Oxford University Press.

5) Technical writing PDF (David McMurrey)

Syllabus Sub-Committee:
1. Dr. Mahendra Kamat          : Convener, S.H. Kelkar College, Devgad
2. Ms. Michelle Philip             : Member, Wilson College, Mumbai
3. Dr. Laxmi Muthukumar      : Member, SIES College, Mumbai
4. Ms. Saradha B.                   : Member, K.C. College, Mumbai
5. Ms. June Dias                      : Member, Jai Hind College, Mumbai

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